Tracking COVID-19: World and US Maps
Using data from multiple sources I was able to develop charts for the World and other maps and charts which measure the pandemic in the US on a state by state basis. Please click on the links below to explore the visualisations to identify where the highest rates can be found. It was important to aggregate the data based on population size as this would provide a better comparison than numbers per country.
Exploration and Discovery
From reviewing the visualisation we can see that Europe has had the highest death rates, with Belgium, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom suffering the highest per capita fatalities. maybe more surprising is that, in the Americas, the United States has had the highest per capita death rates with Peru, Panama, and Mexico following closely behind. In Asia, the Middle Eastern countries of Iran, Israel, and Jordan have posted the highest measures for death rates showing that despite the pandemic beginning further to the East, it seems to have been contained more effectively in the far East.
Exploration and Discovery
Whilst analysing the data for maps and charts over time in the US it became apparent that the virus began to spread quite rapidly in the Northeastern states of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts in March, April, and May. By June, July, and August the virus began to spread south and west, where Mississippi, Arizona, and Louisiana began to be severely impacted. By November and December the virus had spread to the wider midwest and northern states.