MoM: Perceived Obstacles to Gender Equality

The MakeoverMonday initiative is a project where participants are invited to connect every Monday to work with a given data set and create improved more effective visualizations. It provides an opportunity for data visualisation enthusiasts to share their work, receive feedback and learn new skills and techniques. It also encourages dataviz specialists to learn about some interesting issues through the analysis of the metrics behind them.

For week 6 in 2021, the project was around Perceptions of Gender Inequality. On January 28, 2021, Focus 2030 and Women Deliver unveiled the findings of Citizens Call for a Gender-Equal World: A Roadmap for Action, a first-of-its-kind international survey on public perceptions of gender equality. Participants were provided a dataset and requested to create a data visualisation that provides greater insight into this issue. The survey was carried out with participants across the 17 countries during July - August 2020, with approximately 1,000 survey respondents participating per country.

The question selected, focused on exploring individuals’ perceived reasons as to why gender inequality still exists:

Thinking about the list of reasons below, which, if any, do you personally think are the main reasons why women may not be equal to men in your country? (Please tick up to three from the options below):

  • Because women and men are not equally represented in politics

  • Because of religion and culture that do not treat women and men as equals

  • Because boys and girls are treated differently growing up

  • Because women and men have different employment opportunities

  • Because unpaid care, domestic work, and parental responsibilities are not shared equally between women and men

  • Because women and men cannot exercise the same level of control over their bodies (for example access to contraception, delaying childbirth)

  • Because crises (for example conflict, natural disasters, pandemics) have unequal effects on women and men

  • Because men tend to be physically stronger than women

  • Because girls do not receive the same access to education as boys

  • None of these

  • Don't know

Exploration and Discovery
During the analysis of the dataset, it soon became apparent that the response that gathered the most affirmation from women was that ‘unpaid care, domestic work, and parental responsibilities are not shared equally between women and men’. It also became evident that this response also had the highest discrepancy between the perceptions of men and women, 32% v 45% respectively.

Below are some links to data visualisations posted by other members of the Tableau community that have adopted alternative ways to visualise and analyse the data.

Rado Zatovic!/vizhome/MakeoverMonday2021w06PerceivedObstaclestoGenderEquality/MOM

Paul Albert!/vizhome/MakeoverMondayWeek62020-GenderInequality/AgreementonFactorsLeadingToIneqaulity2


Emigration to New York from Ireland between 1846 and 1854.


MoM: Proportion of Women Elected to European Parliaments.